Does Adding Cream to Coffee Reduce Caffeine?

Does Adding Cream to Coffee Reduce Caffeine?

Is black brewed coffee too strong for you? If you are the type of person who prefers light and mild coffee, adding cream or milk is a must. However, you may be wondering if it has any effect on your cup of brew and if caffeine levels are reduced. In this article, let us get to know if cream reduces caffeine and the various types of creams that are usually used for coffee.

Does adding cream to coffee reduce caffeine?

No, adding cream to coffee does not reduce the caffeine. This is because the caffeine count stays the same although you add cream to your coffee. The amount of coffee in your cup will be equivalent to the amount of caffeine. 

For instance, if you have an eight-ounce cup of coffee and you add one ounce of cream and some sugar, you will still have eight ounces of coffee with the same amount of caffeine. While there may already be nine ounces of liquid in your cup it will not change the amount of caffeine unless you only drink eight ounces and leave the rest in the cup.

The only way you can reduce the caffeine content is to pour less coffee in the cup so you can make room for the cream. Adding cream makes your cup of joe tasty, creamy and smooth and may lower the acidity and increase the calorie content. However, it does not affect the caffeine levels. Cream as well as milk do not have substances that affect caffeine.

What does adding cream to coffee do?

If you add cream to your coffee, it will enhance the texture and mask the bitterness of your cup of brew.  The texture of coffee becomes thicker and if done well it will have a velvety smoothness.  The bitterness of milk is softened by the milk proteins by binding to polyphenolic compounds like tannins.

 Is it bad to put cream in your coffee?

No, it is not bad to put cream in your coffee but doing so will alter the nutritional value of your cup of joe. It could increase the calorie content of your coffee so if you are trying to lose weight, this may not be a good idea. The cream has the most milk fat, giving it that thick consistency and rich taste. 

If you want a healthier alternative, consider using full-fat cream preferably from grass-fed cows instead of non-dairy creamers. Studies reveal that milk products contain important nutrients and dairy is a good source of calcium and could increase bone fractures and osteoporosis. 

Different types of cream

These are the different types of cream:

1. Half and half 

This type means half milk and half cream and is considered one of the common creams that Americans use in their coffee.  It has about 12 percent of fat which makes it thicker and sweeter as opposed to whole milk. However, it does not have the thickness of whipping or the whole cream.  If you want your coffee to have a balanced sweetness and thickness, this is the cream for you. 

2. Light cream 

Light cream contains 20 percent of fat which means it adds more calories but not as much as other heavier options. This type of cream is for you if you want a thicker consistency for your coffee.

3. Light whipping cream 

This type of cream contains around 30 percent of fat and a bit heavier than light cream although this is not as thick as whipping cream.

4. Whipping cream 

Whipping cream has 35 percent milkfat and gives your coffee a thicker and creamier consistency compared to half and half. 

5. Heavy cream 

This type of cream is considered the heaviest and thickest among creams. It has more or less 38 percent milkfat and can enhance your cup of joe. However, putting too much of it on your coffee may not be ideal since you won’t be able to enjoy it because your cup of brew would have an extra thick consistency. 

Some people also opt to thicken their coffee with creamers. These are usually coffee powders and refrigerated liquids and most of them are dairy-free. They are not cream but often called coffee whiteners. Powdered coffee creamers do not need to be refrigerated while the liquid creamers need to be refrigerated after opening and do not last more than a month after they are opened. 

Things to do to reduce the caffeine in your coffee

These are some of the steps that you can do to reduce caffeine in your coffee:

  1. Try to use less ground coffee but keep the amount of water consistent.
  2. Opt for 100% Arabica beans instead of Robusta beans.
  3. Go for cold brew coffee. 
  4. Adjust the ground level of coffee beans by grinding it a bit coarser. 
  5. Create your low caffeine blend by blending 100% Arabica beans with decaffeinated beans. 
  6. Lessen the brewing time of coffee. 
  7. Consider using dark roast coffee beans.
  8. Try using instant coffee or naturally low caffeine coffee.


If you enjoy a cup of joe but too concerned that it may have too much caffeine, you tend to instinctively add cream or milk to make it creamier and less strong.  However, while it changes the texture and taste, adding cream to coffee does not reduce the caffeine at all. The cream does not have substances that affect the caffeine level. What you can do to reduce the caffeine is to pour less coffee in your cup or avoid consuming the entire contents of your cup of joe. 

Image: / nortonrsx