Keurig Slow Brew and Partial Cup

Keurig Slow Brew and Partial Cup

Were you expecting to be woken up by the freshly-brewed aroma of your coffee? Instead, what you got were a few drops of coffee, nothing else. Before your blood pressure rises, take a hold of yourself.  In this article, let us investigate why your Keurig has a slow brew and does not dispensing the right amount of coffee. 

Keurig slow brew and partial cup: What are the reasons?

These are the reasons why your Keurig is brewing slowly:

1. The water line is blocked or clogged.  

One common reason why coffee is dripping at a slow pace is due to a clogged or blocked water line. Your Keurig will not work properly if there is a blockage in the channel or concentrated needle line where the coffee passes through. As a result, coffee is not reaching the cup as you expect it to.

2. The puncture needle is clogged. 

Another reason for the slow brew and partial cup is that the puncture needle may be clogged due to excess scale buildup.  Replacement of the puncture needle may be the solution or you may fix the clog with a sewing needle or a toothpick. 

3. Due to an internal water line issue. 

If you already unclogged the water line or replaced the puncture needle but still the coffee machine is brewing slowly, there could be a more serious issue. It may have something to do with an internal water line issue and you have to disassemble the machine to correct the problem. 

How to fix a slow dripping Keurig?

To fix a slow dripping Keurig, you need to descale your coffee brewer.

Here are the steps to descale your coffee machine:

  • First, empty the water vessel or reservoir. 
  • Take out the coffee pod. 
  • Switch off the auto-off feature.
  • Switch off the coffee brewer.
  • Place all the contents of a Keurig descaling solution to the water container in your machine.
  • Put cold water on the descaling solution bottle and add it to the water container. 
  • Place a coffee mug on the brewer’s stand. 
  • Lift the machine’s handle up and down.
  • Choose the 10-ounce button and press it to start the descaling process. 
  • Take out the contents and repeat the process until you see the “add more water” light switched on
  • Let it sit and allow the machine to stay switched on for at least 30 minutes. 
  • Remove any remaining water mixture from the container and refill with clean water up to its limit. 
  • Replicate the brewing process while still without a K-cup for at least 12 times to rinse the machine thoroughly and add more water if it is necessary. 

If you have a Keurig Mini the procedure is the same but you need to use only one-third of the descaling solution.  Here are the steps to descale a Mini Keurig without any K-cup in the brewer:

  • First, lift the handle and wait for at least five seconds. Then, press down and press “brew”. 
  • Discard and repeat the process but do not press brew once the cup is full. 
  • Turn the power off once the brew button turns red and it starts to dispense.
  • Allow to sit for at least 30 minutes. 
  • Next, turn the machine back on and press “brew”. 
  • Remove the water. 
  • Finally, repeat the process using only water and without any descaling solution at least three times.

Keurig coffee machines should be descaled at least every three months for optimum performance. However, if your Keurig is still brewing slowly and giving only a partial cup of coffee, the puncture needles may have to be cleaned.

How to clean Keurig needles?

Here are the steps on how to clean the Keurig needles:

  1. First, make sure that there is no K-cup in the brewer. 
  2. Switch the power off and unplug the Keurig. 
  3. Take out the water reservoir. 
  4. Pull the pack holder away gently from the machine. 
  5. Press the buttons on both sides to separate the housing from the pack holder. 
  6.  Next,  push the lever on the pack holder to expose the bottom exit needle. 
  7. Gently hold the lever down and turn the pack holder over. 
  8. Next, insert the straightened paper clip into the exit needle to loosen up the clogs. 
  9. Be sure to rinse the pack holder well with water and reassemble the housing and pack holder. 
  10. Clean the top entrance and exit needles. 
  11. Check underneath the top by opening the handle to be able to see the two needles. 
  12. Clean both holes with the paperclip.
  13. Tilt the brewer slightly to get a good view but make sure not to tilt it too much since water is still inside the machine. 
  14. Put the reservoir and the pack holder back into the brewer. 
  15. Fill the reservoir and do a cleansing brew but make sure there is no K-cup. 
  16. Finally, repeat the process as needed. 

For cleaning Keurig needles, you only need a paper clip. 

If you already took the necessary steps to descale and clean the needles but the problem still persists, you may have to disassemble the machine. Contact the manufacturer’s customer service to guide you on the proper steps to do. 


Nothing dulls your moods more than by discovering that your Keurig machine is brewing slowly and only dispensing a partial cup of coffee. The common reasons for this may be a blocked watered line, a clogged puncture needle or an internal water line issue. Follow the procedures stated above on the proper descaling of the machine as well as cleaning of the needles. This way your Keurig machine will work smoothly and give you that well-deserved cup of joe. 

Image: / TolikoffPhotography